Control valves

Control Valves H800
Automatic Control Valves A800 02 Automatic Control Valves A800 01

Control Valves


Automatic Control Valves

Diaphragm Type 3-Way Control Valve M800

Hyper-Cryogenic,Emergency Shut-Off Valve,Manual Operated Valve for Hyper-Cryogenic 01 C800 Hyper-Cryogenic,Emergency Shut-Off Valve,Manual Operated Valve for Hyper-Cryogenic 02 C800 Hyper-Cryogenic,Emergency Shut-Off Valve,Manual Operated Valve for Hyper-Cryogenic 03 C800

Diaphragm Type 3-Way Control Valve



Emergency Shut-Off Valve

Manual Operated Valve for Hyper-Cryogenic

Control valves are valves used to control conditions such as flow, pressure, temperature, and liquid level by fully or partially opening or closing in response to signals received from controllers that compare a “setpoint” to a “process variable” whose value is provided by sensors that monitor changes in such conditions. The opening or closing of control valves is usually done automatically by electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic actuators. Positioners are used to control the opening or closing of the actuator based on electric, or pneumatic signals. These control signals, traditionally based on 3-15psi (0.2-1.0bar), more common now are 4-20mA signals for industry, 0-10V for HVAC systems, and the introduction of “Smart” systems. A control valve consists of three main parts in which each part exist in several types and designs: