Due to their ability to resist corrosion, KE valves made of super duplex are often quite useful in various industrial processes including seawater systems and desalination plants. These corrosion-resistant valves are extremely functional in marine conditions such as sub-sea, offshore, and platform work. Also, these severe service valves are perfect in the chemical industry, especially when dealing with a variety of corrosive agents such as the following:
- chlorides used in flue-gas cleaning
- steam
- fatty acids
- concentrate brine
- sea water
- pulp water
- potable water
- pulp liquors at 220°F (104°C)
- sulfuric acid (35-40% @ 185°F (85°C), plus 5% organics)
- sulfuric acid (15-30% @ 140-160°F (60-71°C))